UFI HYDROGEN: the only Italian company among 11 European partners involved in the IPCEI Hy2Move project for innovation in the hydrogen value chain

UFI HYDROGEN – NewCo of the UFI Filters Group specialising in the development of innovative technologies on the green hydrogen value chain, with applications in Water Electrolysis and Fuel Cells – is the only Italian company promoted in the IPCEI Hy2Move project, the fourth Major Project of Common European Interest, recently approved by the European Commission with up to €1.4 billion in public funding, which includes seven Member States, including Italy, France, Spain, and Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia and Slovakia.

This project, part of a broader initiative to support innovation and early industrial deployment in the hydrogen value chain, aims to reduce emissions by 90 per cent in the mobility and transport sectors by 2050, contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal and the European hydrogen strategy.

The project is developed along four main lines (IPCEI WorkStreams):

– Mobility and Transport applications;

– Fuel Cell Technology, an area in which UFI Hydrogen is involved alongside Airbus, BMW, Hydrogen de France and Michelin;

– Hydrogen Onboard Storage Solutions;

– Hydrogen Production technology for mobility and transport.

UFI HYDROGEN, under the leadership of CEO Marco Lazzaroni, will actively participate in the project through its innovative R2RMEA (Roll-to-Roll Membrane Electrode Assembly) programme, which aims to develop innovative technologies for MEAs (Membrane Electrode Assembly) for Fuel Cells that can be used in roll-to-roll production processes. These technologies will be crucial for the large-scale commercialisation of fuel cells for sectors such as road transport, maritime, aviation and stationary applications.

The project involves the promotion of 13 projects by 11 companies including four SMEs from the seven Member States involved. These collaborations will lead to the creation of significant synergies, stimulating further investments and generating technical, socio-economic and environmental spill-over effects within the European Union.

“Hydrogen is destined to become an indispensable component in supporting the transition of the European economy towards a sustainable and circular future,” said Giorgio Girondi, President of UFI HYDROGEN. “The IPCEI Hy2Move project, in which UFI HYDROGEN is a key partner, represents an important accelerator in the realisation of the company’s strategy, which has been oriented from the outset towards the realisation of investments in research, development and innovation for hydrogen-powered mobility and transport applications and their industrial deployment.”

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